Orthopaedic conditions

Sports injuries, fractures, sprains, condition following prosthesis implantation

Physical medicine treats conditions resulting from fractures, hip surgery, shoulder or other orthopaedic surgery, joint sprains, sports injuries and associated metabolic changes.

Physical therapy often helps to avoid surgery and invasive surgical diagnostic procedures. This is especially important for those patients who are unfit for surgery due to their age or other illnesses.

It is essential that physical therapy begins as soon as these conditions appear since that makes it shorter and more effective.

Post-fracture condition, while wearing a cast and after its removal

After the healing of a fracture, which takes from 3 to 8 weeks, muscles have invariably atrophied, tissues have developed dystrophic changes, while blood vessels have suffered long-term poor circulation.

As soon as the cast is removed, cryotherapy should be applied. The electrotherapy method used is IFS (low-frequency alternating currents) to reduce swelling and stimulate rapid tissue regeneration while relieving pain. Laser therapy also affects the vascularization of the tissue which has been compressed by the cast. Exercises should start as and when the doctor prescribes them. It is important to be patient and disciplined.

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Condition after endoprosthesis implantation (artificial hip, cement or non-cement prosthesis)

Hip surgery is performed when this joint is significantly damaged as a result of progressive degenerative changes or when the femoral neck is fractured due to a fall or osteoporosis. The cause of degenerative changes is genetic, but people who do regular physical activity reduce the risk of damage to the hip joint and femur.

Prosthesis implantation involves surgery, in which the femoral head, often with the neck, is cut and replaced with a cement or metal element.

It is essential to start rehabilitation as soon as possible, preferably immediately after surgery. Under the supervision and with the help of a therapist, on the first day the patient does exercises in bed and already on the second day they can stand next to the bed. After leaving the hospital, it is recommended that the patient continue rehabilitation in a specialized spa. Rehabilitation can also be carried out at home or a clinic. It primarily involves kinesiotherapy and, if necessary, other types of physical therapy (electrotherapy, laser or magnet).
When the patient has prepared themselves for hip replacement surgery by doing exercise, post-operative rehabilitation is much more effective and takes less time.

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Condition after ankle sprains with or without ligament rupture

Falls often lead to ankle sprains. In more severe cases, there is a partial or complete tearing of a ligament.

Depending on the severity of the sprain, the ankle is usually immobilized with a splint for 2 to 4 weeks or physical therapy is immediately started. Physical therapy involves ultrasound, laser, magnet, interferential currents and cryomassage. Physical therapy also incorporates special programmes for a faster healing of ligaments and their elasticity. Faster ligament healing is also aided by the use of medication and ultrasound treatments for soft tissues.

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Broken hip or shoulder joint in elderly patients who cannot have surgery

There are patients who have broken a hip or a shoulder but cannot have surgery. The most common reason is the risk of anaesthesia, but this may also be due to another health condition.

It is generally thought that there is not much that can be done for these patients as there is a lack of awareness of the possibilities of physical medicine. This practice is relatively rare in Serbia, seeing as the patients in question are usually of an advanced age.
Physical therapy, proper exercises in particular, can help to form the so-called pseudo-joint in these patients, which compensates for the reduced function of the damaged joint. The quality of life of these patients is significantly improved as therapy increases their mobility and allows them to move and perform daily activities on their own. These results must be maintained by regular exercise (kinesiotherapy).

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Severe pain and swelling after an injury (Sudeck’s atrophy)

It occurs as a complication of different injuries, fractures, sprains, burns, frostbite, inadequate resetting of a broken bone, inadequate immobilization after a fracture, etc. Most commonly it is a condition called Sudeck’s atrophy (Lat. Morbus Sudeck). Due to the disruption of local circulation, the pathological process affects not only bones but also other tissues, skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles and tendons.

Physical therapy treatment combines laser therapy for Sudeck’s atrophy, interferential currents for inflammation of soft tissue, magnet therapy for biostimulation of soft tissue and cryomassage.

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Severe heel pain (heel spur)

Heel spur occurs as a result of long-term irritation of the tendon in the prominent part of the sole – the heel. A calcification is formed which digs into the soft tissue when the weight is put on the heel. It usually appears in people who stand or walk a lot, obese people, and even athletes.

It is treated with ultrasonic waves through water, laser therapy for calcifications and TENS therapy for pain.

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Painful and stiff shoulder (frozen shoulder)

Degenerative changes in the joint, thickening of muscle insertions, bone calcifications and other causes lead to severe pain and limited mobility.

The treatment can also be painful and is aimed at reducing pain, preventing complications caused by the inactivity of shoulder and shoulder blade muscles and the shoulder joint, and increasing the mobility and functionality of the arm. It is treated with powerful ultrasonic waves, laser therapy for calcifications and TENS therapy for pain.

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Sports injuries

Athletes of all ages, both recreational and professional, often get injured while doing sports. The typical conditions found in practice are sprained joints, dislocated joints, “tennis elbow”, contusions, ligament damage, thickening or partial rupture of the Achilles tendon, muscle rupture, hematomas and the like.

Sports injuries are treated quickly and easily with physical therapy.
Various forms of electrical, laser, magnet and ultrasound therapy speed up the revitalization of the damaged tissue, reduce the time of disability and allow the athlete, either professional or recreational, to resume physical activity as quickly as possible, fully recovered.
A proper individualized fitness training following physical therapy ensures faster and guaranteed results.

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