Treatment procedure

Scheduling appointments and therapies


On weekdays from 8:00 to 20:00, by telephone: 011 / 785 70 30 or 062 / 785 703 or by email:
Appointment times are adjusted to patients’ needs and available time slots. All treatments always begin at the scheduled time and patients are required to keep to their appointed times.

The initial specialist physiatric examination


It is performed at the beginning of treatment. First a patient’s overall health and physiatric condition is diagnosed and then treatment is prescribed. Potential limitations which may directly or indirectly affect the treatment or the choice of therapy are also determined.
The first medical examination lasts between 30 and 60 minutes.

Before starting a new cycle of treatment, chronic patients also undergo the initial medical examination, which is, however, less detailed. Given that the information about previous examinations and treatment is already available, the initial examination serves simply to check the current situation and prescribe therapy.

Types of therapy


They are a combination of physical treatments, manual methods, spinal traction and kinesiotherapy.

Physical treatments performed at LUMBAGO include various types of electrotherapy, ultrasound therapy, laser therapy, magnetic therapy and muscle electrostimulation.

Manual methods involve partial therapeutic massage.

Traction by a computerized device on a special table is used to stretch the cervical and lumbar spine.

Kinesiotherapy involves a wide variety of exercises. The exercises can be individual, complementing physical therapy, or specially developed as training packages.

More about physical therapy »

Therapy duration


Depending on the type of treatments, one therapeutic session lasts between 30 and 60 minutes. When it includes spinal traction, it lasts up to 120 minutes. Therapies are performed in cycles and the number of sessions depends on the type and severity of the condition.


Follow-up and final examinations


In the course of treatment, a follow-up examination is performed in order to assess the effects of selected therapies and make any necessary changes to the further course of treatment.

Upon completion of the treatment a final examination is performed in order to determine the patient’s condition on discharge.

What happens after treatment?


Depending on the patient’s condition he or she is::

  • advised to do an appropriate type of sport or recreational activity
  • referred to individualized training programmes
  • educated to better understand their condition, maintain optimal functioning of their body by using protective positions and movements, and advised on everyday activities