
Pathological conditions

Arthrosis or osteoarthrosis, is a degenerative disease of peripheral joints, which occurs as a result of the degeneration of the articular cartilage.

Bechterew or ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic, progressive inflammatory disease of the skeletal system with a strong genetic predisposition. First it affects the lumbar and sacroiliac region and then spreads to ligaments and connective tissue along the spine. The inflamed area then ossifies and the spine curves forward becoming rigid and immobile.

Cervical syndrome is characterized by pain and stiffness in the neck, shoulder and shoulder-blade region, which sometimes spread to the back of the head (cervical cephalgia) or to one or both arms along with burning and numbness (cervicobrachialgia), if the damage is near the point where nerves come out of the spinal cord.
The diseased sections of the disc and vertebrae can also compress spinal arteries that supply blood to the posterior parts of the brain as well as nerve structures (posterior cervical sympathicus), which can lead to dizziness, balance problems, tinnitus, nausea and headache.

Damage to the cervical spine can sometimes be so severe as to cause narrowing of the spinal canal and compression of the spinal cord in the case of cervical disc herniation (cervical myelopathy). The result is spastic paralysis of the legs and difficulty walking, limpness, numbness and pain in the hands and hypotrophy of small hand muscles.

Diabetic polyneuropathy Long-term diabetes causes metabolic changes to nerves along the legs. The patient feels every pain more acutely and may have soft tissue and skin atrophy.

Discs are cushions between adjacent vertebrae whose role is to absorb traumas to which the spinal column is exposed during everyday activities.

Disc herniation (Latin: discus hernia) is the tearing of the outer ring and the prolapse of the soft inner core of the disc into the surrounding space. It enters the spinal canal and compresses the spinal cord.

Discarthrosis is the degeneration of a lumbar disc and one of the initial stages of complex changes to the spinal column. The main symptom of discarthrosis is back pain.

Discopathy is a term for a set of problems, signs and symptoms which point to degenerative changes to cervical and lumbar discs.

Gout is a relatively common metabolic disease manifested by acute arthritis as a consequence of monosodium-urate crystal deposits. The accumulation of these uric acid salts is due to either their increased production or reduced excretion. Gout starts suddenly, usually during the night, with a severe joint pain which is so strong that the slightest touch of the covers can cause extreme pain for the patient. It normally affects only one joint, usually that of the big toe.

Kyphosis is a curvature of the spine that is usually the result of rapid growth and an improper sitting position.

Lordosis is an exaggerated curvature of the spine in the lumbar region and occurs as a result of weak abdominal muscles.

Managerial syndrome is the result of long-term sitting, working at the computer, stress and anxiety and occurs both in men and women who occupy executive or other positions of responsibility and do little or no physical activity. This syndrome is characterized by stiffness and pain in the neck, tension in the shoulder region, numbness in the arms and hands, dizziness, tinnitus, headache, flashing lights in vision, fatigue and exhaustion, apathy and anxiety.

Morbus Sudeck or patchy bone atrophy occurs most commonly as a complication of various injuries, fractures, sprains, burns, frostbite, inadequate resetting of a broken bone or inadequate immobilization after a fracture. Due to the disruption of local circulation, the pathological process affects not only bones but also other tissues, skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles and tendons.

Osteopenia is defined as lower than normal bone density and is, unlike osteoporosis, not considered a disease, but merely a risk indicator for fractures due to reduced bone density.

Osteoporosis is a progressive metabolic bone disease characterized by reduced bone density as a result of the gradual loss of calcium from bones. This leads to a reduced hardness of bones and an increased risk of fracture. Spinal vertebrae and the femur are the most at risk. Fractures can occur after minor traumas or even when there has been no actual injury (the so-called spontaneous fractures). This condition is usually diagnosed only after a bone fracture.

Prolapse and herniation of a disc occur when a disc pushes into the spinal canal and presses on the spinal cord (disc herniation), with or without compressing a nerve or a blood vessel.

Scoliosis refers to different types of spine curvatures that develop while a child is growing. It is characterized by a “dropped shoulder” and sometimes by respiratory and cardiac problems. Unless the deformities are corrected through muscle-strengthening exercises, in severe cases the child must wear a brace and, at the worst, have spinal surgery.

Spondylosis is the calcification of two or more adjacent vertebrae resulting from degenerative changes. It causes dizziness, headaches, tinnitus and general instability (cervicobrachialgia and cervicocephalic syndrome).

Tennis elbow results from damage to the tendons of the muscles that control the extension of hands and fingers at the insertion with the humerus. It is caused by repetitive strain movements. It is an occupational disease of plumbers, painters, carpenters, persons working at the computer and tennis players, who very often develop this condition, which is why it is called tennis elbow.


Diadynamic currents are unidirectional low-frequency impulse currents which have proved very effective in pain reduction.

Electotherapy refers to the use of electrical energy in medical treatments. Physical medicine and rehabilitation make use of a wide range of these therapies, which are aimed at: pain relief, neuromuscular dysfunction treatment, joint mobility improvement, tissue regeneration, acute and chronic oedema treatment, peripheral blood circulation improvement, local drug infiltration, urinary and faecal incontinence treatment, muscle spasm relaxation, muscle rehabilitation and the treatment of many other neuromuscular tissue conditions.

In addition, electrotherapy devices are used to diagnose the degree of tissue inflammation. It is recorded and monitored during treatment in order to adjust therapy and determine when the patient can start doing exercises.

Electrical stimulation is used to define the degree of nerve damage and the potential for its rehabilitation. The advantage of modern devices is that they offer the possibility of nerve rehabilitation if there is even the slightest response of the nerve to stimulation.

Laser therapy refers to the application of low-level laser light to change the cell metabolism of the treated tissue. Low-level lasers are used in treating different painful conditions, primarily traumatological (such as results of injuries), rheumatological (articular and non-articular rheumatism) and neurological conditions. It must not be used to treat pregnant women or persons suffering from epilepsy and is not recommended for children of bone-growing age or persons who suffer from frequent bleeding (haemorrhagic syndrome) or malignancies.

Laser biostimulation refers to the application of electromagnetic energy using low-level laser light without a thermic effect on the tissue, which leads to the stimulation of all cell functions. It is beneficial for regeneration of muscle fibres (in sports injuries), peripheral nerves, bones and skin, and promotes tissue regeneration in burns. The laser devices used at LUMBAGO offer more than 70 pre-programmed operations.

Kinesiotherapy involves treatment with exercises – by moving a part of the body in order to enhance its functioning or that of the entire body. Kinesiotherapy can be active or passive, and is used to treat all neurological, neurosurgical and orthopaedic conditions.

Cryomassage is a type of massage performed with ice. It improves blood circulation, promotes excess fluid excretion and boosts subcutaneous tissue metabolism, so that swelling is eliminated through natural fluid excretion.

Magnetic therapy involves non-invasive methods that use an electromagnetic field with bioregenerative, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, without any side effects. Magnetic therapy is used to reduce pain, stimulate cell activity, reduce inflammation, promote oedema reabsorption and slow down the process of bone demineralization. The magnetic field also aids stress relief.

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is used to treat acute, chronic and neurogenic pain thus reducing the need for analgesics. This therapeutic method treats pain by means of electrical stimulation of sensitive nerve endings at skin level using low-frequency alternating impulse current to block the transmission of pain impulses to the spinal cord.

Ultrasound is used therapeutically to reduce pain, muscle tension and local swelling. It speeds up recovery of tendons and muscles and helps with joint problems and scar tissue regeneration.

Spinal traction involves pulse extension of the spine and decompression of the intervertebral spaces. This method is painless, very pleasant and absolutely safe. It has been applied at LUMBAGO since 2008 using a computer-programmed device on a special extension table. While offering similar results to the chiropractic method, it is much safer for the patient. It is always combined with other forms of therapy – ultrasound, if it is necessary to relax spinal muscles before the extension, and electrotherapy, which helps strengthen spinal muscles after the extension so that they could support the new position of the spinal column.